Welcome to Mr. Hamby's RSE Music Classroom!

Welcome Back To School! I hope you and your family have had a relaxing summer break! Thank you for visiting my webpage, and please continue checking out my Music Links below. They are fun!
Music Tech Teacher - Go to Quizzes/Pianos, and choose Quizzes/Games (For K - 5th)
Classics For Kids - Please continue visiting this website, and learn about different famous composers!
Country Music Hall of Fame - Learn about the Hall of Fame, Collections, Education, and Watch & Listen! Have fun.
Yousician - Yousician offers thousands of songs, exercises, and teacher crafted lessons all in this app. Remember, to ask your parents for help. You will need to create an account (For 3rd, 4th and 5th); there is a free version and a premium version.
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame - Please continue visiting this website, and learn about the history of Rock & Roll!
MusicPlayonline - Please continue visiting this website, and learn more about Music. Have fun!