Megan Munn » Welcome to Mrs. Munn's Class!

Welcome to Mrs. Munn's Class!

I am Mrs. Munn and I started teaching in 2017. This is my first year teaching 5th grade and my first year at Rock Springs Elementary. I look forward to our adventures in 5th grade!
If you ever have questions or concerns, please reach out to me by email or class DOJO.
**I will respond within 24 hours.
Mrs. Munn's Class Schedule
7:15            Breakfast/Morning Work
7:30            Morning Announcements & Morning Meeting
7:40            RTI
8:10            Social Studies
8:40             ELA/ALL Block
9:40             ELA/Knowledge Block
10:45           Lunch
11:10           Recess
11:40           Science
12:10           Related Arts 
1:40             Math - Small Group
2:20             Pack Up
2:30             Dismissal